
Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture


Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been around for thousands of years. Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese Medicine used to promote health and balance within the body. There are 12 meridians, or channels, each corresponding to a different organ.  They run along the length of the body from the fingertips all the way up to the head and down to the toes. Along the meridians are specific acupuncture points that each have certain actions and indications when they are used.  Single use, sterile needles are placed on these points depending on what is being addressed during treatment and what your body needs. 

Chinese Medicine believes that disease and illness arise from blockages in the meridians. Needling these points helps to open up the channels and any blockages there may be. This allows the Qi, or energy, to flow freely through the body.

Herbal Therapy


Herbal therapy is a huge part of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Herbal formulas are composed of numerous Chinese herbs to create a formula. Specific formulas are chosen for the individual depending on what health concerns they may be experiencing. Formulas are usually prescribed to people who are needing further assistance in healing or to focus on more underlying conditions.

Herbal formulas come in different forms. The most common are tincture, pill, or granule form. Granules are the most potent and are ground up into a powder which is added to water to drink like a tea.



Cupping is an ancient technique used to promote health and healing. Glass cups are used to create a suction on the body's surface. The cups will remain stationary in one spot, or a lotion may be applied so the cups can easily glide over the skin. It loosens soft tissue and connective tissue, scarring and adhesions, moves stagnation, and increases lymphatic flow and circulation. 

This therapy is used for tight, sore, overused, or injured muscles and areas of the body. Cupping pulls toxins and inflammation from the body to the surface of the skin where the lymphatic system can more readily eliminate them.

Usually cupping therapy leaves slight discoloration which can last anywhere from 1-10 days. The marks can range from pink, red, or purple depending on the stagnation. The marks do not hurt and often the patient can feel immediate relief from tension. It is best to avoid cupping therapy before a vacation or special event where that area of the body will be exposed.



Moxibustion, or Moxa, is a dried herb also known as Mugwort. It is used to help with healing, warming the body, circulation, and to boost immunity. There are different forms of Moxa used, all including the herb being burned near the skin. It usually elicits a sense of calm and warmth. Moxa is most commonly used for reproductive, digestion, immunity, and cold issues.



Different topicals are often added at the end of an Acupuncture treatment. Usually used for musculoskeletal issues. Lotions, sprays, oils, and salves are used to help relax muscles and cool or warm muscles. They include specific ingredients and Chinese herbs to aid in the healing process and with pain management. All the topicals used are available for purchase at the clinic.